How Do I Unlove You Now?

Dear You,

It has been many years since our first encounter. If first impressions are anything to go by, I was floored by your presence.


I have never before met anyone quite like you, nor has there been anyone else since.


You waltzed into my life, and bowled me over with that iridescent smile of yours, warming me with your glow.


You sang,


And danced your way into my heart.


You never cease to mesmerise; in all seasons,


And all weathers under heaven.


There were times when you doubted your beauty; but all that is needed is an appreciating eye. To such, you are more beautiful than words would allow.


As with all relationships, however, we have had our ups and downs, and moments when we don’t see eye to eye.


But as always, you stand tall in all your resplendent glory, reminding us of the slow-burn romance that has withstood the tests of time.


And at times I wonder, how do I unlove you now?

My Sydney. My Home…


Image captions (in the order of appearance): Sydney Opera House (feature image); Blue Mountains; Sydney Harbour Bridge; View of Sydney Harbour; Conservatorium of Music; Dr Chau Chak Wing Building (Sydney’s answer to Prague’s Dancing House); Summer hues at Nan Tien Temple; View of Sydney CBD; Royal Botanic Gardens; Warehouse in Alexandria; Sydney skyline from Royal Botanic Gardens; View of Sydney Harbour from Manly.

39 Comments Add yours

  1. I love your photos and the sentiment that binds them together. In my own way, I’m re-loving Sydney and surrounds by becoming an eBike blogger. I find that when I’m on two-wheels, close to my visual world, drawn by meandering side-tracks yet having nowhere particular I must be, I feel very much alive; quite possibly a fountain of youth. Pleae visit and see if you can feel what I mean.

    1. Jolene says:

      Followed! I have no idea what’s an ebiker (vs just a normal biker?) 🤔
      It’s a great hobby to have. Sydney is an amazing city, I don’t see enough of it.

      1. An ebike is simply a conventional bicycle that has a small motor and a battery that assists with pedelling. You must pedal to make it work so you still gets lots of excercise; in fact you get more. I used to take my regular bike out for an hour or so, but now on the ebike I go out for an average of 3-4 hours and the hills just disappear. Its a revolution and a revelation.

      2. Jolene says:

        Good luck! Now you mention it, I do see this around the city more often now. 🙂

    1. Jolene says:

      Thanks for dropping by, much appreciate your lovely comment!

  2. luckilylenny says:

    I sincerely felt how you appreciate your city Jolene, much love and gratefulness.

    1. Jolene says:

      Thanks Lenny. Welcome to Sydney someday, plenty of sun, surf and sand. 😊

      1. luckilylenny says:

        I’d love to! 🙂

  3. Absolutely glorious….every bit of it!!!! Thanks for sharing 🙂

    1. Jolene says:

      Thanks Truly, glad you enjoyed my hometown. ☺️

  4. Someday I hope to make it there…

    1. Jolene says:

      Yup, it’s very family friendly too. Your kids will have plenty of space to roam wild. 😊

  5. Idle Muser says:

    Would love to visit it! 😉 ❤

    1. Jolene says:

      You are more than welcome!!

  6. Jolene what a breath of fresh air this post was. Lucky for you this is a city and you don’t have to unlove it if you don’t want to unlike falling for real a life person and not knowing how to snap out of it.
    I always knew you’re an incredible writer but today I was blown away with photography too❤❤
    Such an amazing post with the accompanying lines making me give goofy smiles.

    1. Jolene says:

      Thanks Ms Twinkling. Is that how you are feeling at the moment (and not knowing how to snap out of it)?? 😜
      If you’ve ever watched One Day, there is a line which perfectly wraps up my feelings here, where Anne Hathaway’s character confides in her love interest: “I love you, Dexter. So much. I just don’t like you anymore”. 😉

  7. Maggie C says:

    Gorgeous! Easy to see how you fell in love!

    1. Jolene says:

      Thank you heaps – the city is eternally changing though… and I’m not sure I like the direction. Hope the next post is not about how I fell out of love 😁

      1. Maggie C says:

        Yeah, that happens. I see it in the city I live near. The beauty is still there, it just takes a bit more searching to unearth it sometimes.

      2. Jolene says:

        That’s right, and with an appreciating eye it is never too hard. 😊

    1. Jolene says:

      Thanks heaps 😉

  8. Haha I love the last picture! How cute!

    1. Jolene says:

      Thanks for that – it’s not everyday I’m sharing harbour views with a lizard 😊

  9. Ida Auclond says:

    Awesome post! I love when text and pictures ally to tell a story.

    The twisted building is gorgeous! It reminds me of “La Pedrera” in Barcelona, but more contemporary. Does it have a name? (Excuse the ignorance if that’s a famous building; I know very little about Australia, aside from Sydney Opera House, Simon Baker and killer birds.) I love the picture of the purple flower, too.

    Keep up the good work. ^_^

    1. Jolene says:

      Thank you Ida – I must say the idea had been brewing for a while, just never had the time (until now) to get my act together.
      The building is known as Dr Chau Chak Wing building and is named after the man who donated it. It acts as a business school for one of Sydney’s universities. In my mind, it’s Sydney’s answer to the famous Dancing House in Prague and it’s quite a gem! I love it when bloggers show off the intimate details of their cities. I probably don’t do enough justice to Sydney, because I prefer foreign places and seldom scope out the city itself!! Hope you get to visit one day 😁

      1. Ida Auclond says:

        I googled it… whoa! Now I want to visit it! The inside looks interesting, too.

        I know what you mean; it’s easy to stop seeing the wonders surrounding you when they become familiar. I love visiting Québec City with tourists so I can sort of see it though new eyes again. ^_^

      2. Jolene says:

        I know! How cool, I’ve been thinking the same thing. I’ve lived in Sydney for 20 years and yet hardly ventured beyond my daily routine. I’m a perfect stranger in my own city!
        I would love to visit Canada one day (it’s on my list!), particularly in the fall to see all the autumnal hues. Thanks for your support Ida 🙂

  10. A.K. Maleeke says:

    Very poetic – the words matched the beauty of the images. I wish to see Sydney – one day!

    1. Jolene says:

      Thank you for your kind words😊 I hope you do!

  11. fkasara says:

    Lovely pics and AMAZING love letter to your city 😍❤❤

    1. Jolene says:

      Thanks for your support Sara! I was half wanting to do another post on why I don’t ❤️ it. Perhaps I’ll sleep that idea for a little while 😉

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